Jan 24, 2008 01:47
I'm so gay, I have a crush on a 20 year old and a 16 year old. And I can't pick between the two and it's annoying.
And I can't sleep, which is almost as annoying. And I keep starting my sentences with "and", which is pissing me off even more. What the fuck.
I want to go to fucking college, dammit. I'm so over high school and douchebag people and shit.
It's 1:50 am and I'm on fucking livejournal, what the FUCK. Maybe I just won't go to sleep. I'll just leave my house at 6:30 and go be annoying at Starbucks and then get a raspberry white mocha latte so I can make it through school tomorrow (or should I say later today). Make that a triple shot latte.
Someone be my boyfriend; I need one just for like 2 days so I can remember what it feels like to be wanted and loved.
I'm talking to some random guy named Wesley or something on myspace right now. Adding to my gay-ness for the night. I think I have his number from a while ago and if this is the same person, then I texted him one night while I was really drunk and I don't remember what I said. So I could be getting myself into a slightly embarassing situation right now. Oh well.
As I Lay Dying is on Monday.