(no subject)

Oct 23, 2010 12:13

Well, it was a long time in coming, but hallo to everyone I know, and everyone I met during the con. Con was fantastic. Just go to  supernaturalwiki to see all the reports (the videos are NOTHING like actually being there s-sob), and I guarantee you I had an awesome time and made some awesome friends.

Update on my life: Uh, nothing's changed. Although I might get a job with airport security if the universe loves me this season. So far so good. Can't help but get my hopes up, it's good money. Especially for someone like me who has never held anything other than an hourly job. So a yearly salary job will be nice. Also, uniform. Yes.

NaNo is coming up soon. I'm not quite, but almost freaking out about it. Like, homg, man. The month where my life is completely stressed for some other reason than life! With any luck it will help me relax. I actually have an idea this time, so I'm not walking into it half-cocked.

Recently started brushing my teeth again. I hate that it sounds the way it sounds, but nggggn, I keep forgetting. Been at it religiously for a few days now, though, so that's good. My teeth feel weird, and I don't think I'll be able to eat chocolate until I get my teeth checked and cavities filled, but I can at least work to keep them from getting worse. Why is it my teeth hurt more when I eat stuff AFTER brushing my teeth? Iunno.

Speaking of...should go boil water for noodles. I'm hungry and there's nothing to eat. Or drink. S-sob. I need to run to the store. Oh right, noodles...

Right, that done.  *stops to pet a kitty* What else...

I think I'm going to have to work up a schedule for my time or else I'm going to go absolutely mad. I'm a horrible procrastinator and I keep getting new things to do, so maybe organizing it will help.

What I've got so far is this:

Week: Project Purity and other roleplay stuff.
Weekend: TLV and PP when I have time.
When I first get on I will do my daily random stuff, like reading cracked.com, then check my e-mail. Any life related important stuff is handled first, followed by the primary roleplay tags for the day. During NaNo month after this first round of tags I will write for an hour. Then handle the next round of tags and new threads. Then after that I will finish my daily writing goal if I hadn't yet made it. Free time will be spent either reading manga, or when I'm really bored: facebook games. If I'm feeling especially inspired I will continue writing. At night every so often I will play Guild Wars. Cause I can. Tags are also going to be through free time.

This schedule will be upheld to the best of my ability and may be subject to spontaneously changing on any given day due to unexpected social lifing or little sister.

*goes check water*

Well, pretty sure that's all my updates for right now. *huge breath*

Anyone can follow my twitter if they would like to. That's where I do most of my daily updates and randomness. Also emoing occasionally and wanting to strangle my sister, but mostly spazzing and my DOODAH. AKA Danni's Observations Of Delight and Happiness AKA Any random shit that comes to mind day to day. This is because I can update from my phone even when I'm not online. ....actually, I update from my phone even when I AM online. Hm.

Anywho, that's all for now, loves. Leave a hug? <3

[what] nanowrimo, [what] real life, [what] roleplay, [what] convention

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