(no subject)

Sep 01, 2010 20:54

With the new crossposting shit today, LJ has seriously disappointed me, and I'm reconsidering buying icon space for my RP journals ever again. I don't like facebook, I only have one to play with many many games and to make my family think I like being connected to them. Livejournal is my playtime and no one knows my user except for LJ people, which is fine with me.

It seems that the only option left is to friend lock everything, but I don't want to do that, because I don't want to friend everyone that may want to read my stuff. Not that I don't like all you people, but my friends page, it burns with posts I can barely keep up with. And this is just mostly people that I talk to all the time.

So no, I won't F-lock my journal, and I won't be immature and block the people that use the new features (though I will frown epically at you :[ ).

I do, however, ask that you be respectful and not crosspost any of my comments, posts, or your comments on my posts, because I do not want to be linked to facebook in any way.

Thank you. <3

[what] livejournal

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