Jun 30, 2003 11:32
.eating at razoos and commenting on how all the waitresses are pretty.
.getting sex ed talk from houston boys. HAHAHA. don't worry it was clean and somewhat educational surprisingly.
.buying hair dye and attempting to dye my hair.. no color change at all :(
.going to my apt and getting surprised with my AWESOME friends!! elaine, joce, jenjen, andy, samuel than you so much for making my week! *tear*
.watching dangerous liaisons till 3:30 am. horrible movie.
.seeing my parents saturday morning
.eating lunch with them and hearing stories of how they bicker now that i'm gone.. "who left the milk out? i didn't do it. rodan didn't do it. YOU did it." hahahhaa
.mom sneaking me $$ because she thought dad didn't give me enough. go mom!
.getting dropped off at ally's house!
.my mom and ally's mom getting along so well we had to leave them to all their 'IT' talk
.laughing the hardest i have in a long time with ally
.going to galleria and getting valet parking!!
.'shopping' at the mall and taking pictures!!
.matching wallets from fossil
.using the wheel chair accessible dressing room @ banana republic for hours so we can take our photos
.looking at picture frames for a long time just so we can get a better look @ the hot cashier. hehehe
.hazardous driving in traffic
.eating meat loaf at ally's yummmm home cooking.
.meeting lawrence at dcbc in his ghetto cool bright yellow lancer
.meeting andy and anthony
.making fun of andy's small sandwhich
.parking at the $5 parking lot at celebrate and trecking a mile before we got there!- almost getting hit by a car
.meeting up with kevin and jeff
.weaving our way through the crowd so we could get as great of seats as possible
.seeing chris from ww and being able to sit in his chair for a while (what a gentleman!)
.dance party and going crazy!
.moving up really close for 3rd day
.everyone leaving after 3rd day and getting to sit in the vip section
.sandy patti... sick. jk ;) not sooo bad.. just getting ear drums blown out repeatedly. "it ain't over till the fat woman sings"
.walking back to the car and smelling manure/food the entire way and kevin telling me i smelt like what we were smelling.. gee thanks ;)
.ihop with a bunch of people i've never met and keeping sane by eating a whole bunch of food with allyson.
.seeing izzy @ ihop
.me: "l" ally: "l"
.uploading the photos when we got back home
.falling asleep talking (awww)
.going to church in the morning (horray! first time in 3 wks!)
.getting care package from ally and her mom. SO sweet. thanks!!
.getting dropped off at pcac (jenjen's church) and seeing a whole bunch of acc ppl.
.continuously eating a coffee cake with joce during sunday school.. hehe
.going out to may's ice cream for lunch and commenting on how little andy actually eats
.mango slushie with pearls!!!!!!
.matching cell thingies with joce
.galleria second time around
.shopping in hollister for an hour! and buying a cute shirt and not being able to afford pants. sigh. it's ok frugalness is gooood
.me, elaine, joce all fitting into a dressing room at hollister! it pays to be small.. JK!!!!!!
.getting chummy with the tiffany's sale man! i feel free jewlery comin along! woo
.walking into really really expensive stores with joce and elaine googling at what we can't buy
.hearing andy and samuel ask us repeatedly to rate them on a hot scale.. hot diggity hot vs. hot flaming hot?
.saying bye to my friends :( *tear*
.being a poor hs kid with jen! yippeeee chipotle, and sneaking it into theatres.. and getting free small popcorn. w00t.
.charlie's angels and being in a really kick butt mood
.listening to our story by tension in jenjen's car over and over and over again... and attempting to sing along. hehehe
.talking to jeff otp
.getting back on campus and smiling because i had the best weekend ever!
that was long. anyways you can look at photos (saturday only) online!
member signin: dannioh@yahoo.com
pswd: rodan
later guys!