Jul 06, 2005 14:50
01. i like to sing when there's no one else around; however, I especially loving singing in cars with a couple of friends and even playing air instruments...
02. I like guys who are loyal and trust worthy.
03. i eat when i'm bored!!!!
04. my family is hilarious…
05. I am constantly forgetting my keys.
06. i want someone to live on a house on the beach with me
07. i like to be independent
08. i replay memories in my head even bad ones
09. i can’t remember the last time i lasted a day without singing
10. I hate it when people park outside my window in the middle of the night with their bass blaring.
11. I tend to hibernate in the winter
12. i love to be held but only by someone I trust
13. i DON'T fear alot of things
14. i have the most amazing friends
15. I like to take long showers.
16. i get very self-conscious but rarely acknowledge that feeling
17. i hate being lonely
18. i get violent urges when people drive too slow
19. i love black & white photography
20. i like to kiss softly
21. i love the smell of matches being struck
22. I am alone a lot
23. i love to sleep with someone next to me
24. I eat a lot of candy
25. i listen to the same songs over and over again.
26. I am fairly realistic at the way I look at the world
28. I need to get out of RI for good.
29. i love when eyes seem to shine and dance around
30. i hide what im thinking often
31. i am anticipating change
32. i like to meet new people
33. I love comfy beds
34. I can not picture where I will be in 4 years.
35. I never forget a conversation
36. i love to keep memorabilia of importance to me
37. i want to be someones konstantine
38. I want to travel
39. there are very few people I trust
40. I love to play the piano when no ones around.
41. I like to take naps in the evening
42. I wish my programming homework was magically finished.
43. i love to feel needed
44. I wish I had a car on campus
45. i want to wear a bathing suit to the beach...
46. i think too much... i laugh too long...
47. I love to lay in bed early on a sunny day with the door wide open
48. "The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!" Welcome to my life I love Jack Kerouac
49. people make mistakes
50. I really need to do my laundry
51. i used to love writing more
52. I love the northwest
53. I need to exercise more
54. i hate it when i lie... even more when i get caught (but it’s rare)
55. I love to take pictures
56. i love vanilla chai lattes from starbucks
57. I still haven’t set one of my clocks forward for daylights savings
58. i always add "in bed" at the end of the fortune cookies
59. I like to study people
60. i like walking barefoot
61. i play with the zipper on my sweater
62. i love being in the rain but only when it’s warm
63. i like to doodle
64. i love hats especially hand made
65. i am very independent in the way I think
66. I love pike place market in Seattle
67. i want to travel. all over the world
68. i want to be fluent in Spanish
69. i talk to myself constantly
70. i want to travel the world with my best friend
71. ive learned to appreciate sundays..
72. i want to make out in the rain
73. I am constantly using “…” to express myself in aim conversations
74. life would be boring without some drama
75. i want to find someone to be in love with
76. i am way too paranoid
77. its easy to take compliments but to really believe them in another thing.
78. i like to make people laugh
79. i love laughing until it hurts
80. I hate to wear shoes
81. I love to play Frisbee barefoot
82. I love the mountains
83. i like thunderstorms, the louder the better
84. I love boca burgers
85. I use to run through the woods barefoot like a little savage
86. i'm not afraid to die
87. I love walking outside at night.
88. I want to live in New Zealand someday
89. i used to/still look for shooting stars
90. I love to sing
91. i need a shower
92. i know i'll be happy someday...
93. i see what I want and I make it happen
94. I make friends easily.
95. i love sunny days
96. i love concerts
97. I can’t wait for winter!
98. i have already impacted peoples lives for the better, and many have done so to me
99. I like to analyze everything in my life.
100. my favorite feeling is the drop on a roller coaster