A friend of mine just posted a link (
http://j.mp/abFkA1) to an article on the ABC's website that compares Mediawatch to Doctor Who, and compares the hosts of the former to the actors who have played the title role on the latter. Of the David Marr/Jon Pertwee comparison they say:
Jon Pertwee's Doctor was a man of action. Kids at the time loved the movie exploits of James Bond so the Doctor Who producers decided a bit more derring-do was the order of the day. Marr also doesn't mind a bit of verbal biffo. The fact that Pertwee's Doctor is affectionately known as "the cosmic Dandy" seals this comparison. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Now, number one, get it? Because David Marr's gay? Oh, ho ho! Gutbustingly funny stuff there, what with the reference to a sitcom that died a natural death over ten years ago! My, what merry verbal japes you come up with, Neil Walker.
But secondly, for fuck's sake, it's 2010. Surely the general populace have noticed the fact that that expression is incredibly insulting. I'm just going about my life and you seem to think that it's appropriate to jokingly imply that I somehow need your approval?
No, really. Die in a fire.