"LOOK! It's a Big Purple Rectangle!"

Jan 14, 2007 14:50

Yes, every moment is a learning opportunity. This weekend has been full of them, from how not to transfer to the fact that 6 oz is not, in fact, 6 cups. Who knew? So this weekend was full of everything imaginable, from finding (and by finding, i mean finding) a coffee shop in Bay City that will end up being my home away from home and full of homework sessions over a hot cup of coffee. The night ended with baking a cake (which still needs frosting made for it) and dying my hair. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, my hair is now red. I don't know how long it will last, but I like it for now. The rest of the weekend was filled with randomness that can only happen in college. And the best part? It was all random, and probably the best weekend of the semester, not even kidding. I'm sure there are tons and tons of details that would only be funny to the group of people that I shared the weekend with, so I will not bore you with all of those. but yes, it has been an awesome way to start the semester :)
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