You know you're bored when.....

Mar 18, 2006 01:13

You update a journal you never update with a quiz...

First some info about my life now. I graduate in December and am probably going to teach Special Education. I love leading YL at Edgewood and God is blessing my life more than I could have ever imagined. I want to do ministry and follow Christ forever. I can't wait for life to take the next step. I love my boyfriend Kenny, he's amazing and the best man of God I've ever met. Ok, Here's a quiz...

58 strange questions.....

1) What stickers do you have on your car?
None yet on my pretty CRV... but soon I'll put a Young Life and/or a Miami sticker on it

2) What posters do you have in your room?
A Ballerina, Legolas, Marilyn Monroe, and two poems about God.

4) If you could drink anything right this second, what would it be?
either hot tea to clear my head or an Amaretto Sour.... yeah, I guess that'd be nice right now.

5) Does anything hurt on your body right now?
my head is stuffed and I keep sneezing.

7) What's your job position called?
right now student primarily... or student manager at Bell Tower

8) What size ring do you wear?
4.5 or 5... I think

9) Do you own a camera phone?
yeah.... it's fun

10) When's your birthday?
November 23rd

11) What was your elementary school's mascot?
I only remember two of them... Cleveland Rockets and Lincoln Lions

12) What's your favorite bottled water?
Not a big fan of bottled water.

13) What's the next concert/show you're going to and when?
Not sure, Surely it will be either something from Edgewood or P.W. Gopal or Jonah Sage.

14) What were you doing at 9 pm last night?
Driving through Tenn with Shannon and Beth

15) What's your favorite Starbucks drink?
Choco Chip Frapp.... or Peppermint Mocha

16) Do you exercise as much as you should?
No, I tried that... I don't have time

17) Did you attend your high school prom?
yeah.... 3 times (it's a senior only prom.... yikes!)

18) Did you attend someone Else's?

19) Would you give your bf/gf a second chance if they cheated on you?
yes, cause I know he's human and he could fall.... but I know how much he loves me and that the thought wouldn't cross his mind


20) Something red within 5 feet of you.
my Red's callendar set on Wily Mo's month

21) Your last bag of chips?
We ate pretzels all the way down to SC this week.

22) The weirdest thing you've seen this week?
I saw an alligator.... and a gross gross jellyfish.... and a racoon rummaging through our leftover crabs.

23) Ever done the Electric Slide?
heck yes

24) How much French do you know?
Just the common words that everyone knows.... I took Spanish

25) Sparkly things?
I like them

26) Ever crash a car, been in accidents?
Not being the driver.... but a passenger yes.

27) Do you look good in yellow?

28) Do you sing?

29) Ever sang in front of a crowd?

30) Do you dance?
I love the activity

32) Least favorite color?
purple, I don't know why.

33) Favorite kind of pizza?
Papa John's cheese... and I like pepperoni

34) Ever have dip-n-dots?
It's pretty much the craziest way to eat ice cream

35) Ever make fun of a homeless person?
why in the world would I ever do that? how sad! But I have fed them.

36) How old were you when you got a cell phone?
prepaid...17..... real...19

37) How old were you when you got your first car?
15.5 I learned to drive on my beautiful Toyota Truck

38) How many driving tickets do you have?
I just got one today.... sadly.... that makes 6.... but that's since I was 16... so not bad.

40) How many parking tickets?
Are you kidding? I go to Miami... they're famous for them up here.

41) Do you own your own car?
Yup... I love my CRV

42) Do you want to get married?
Most defiantely.... I can't wait.

43) At what age do you want to get married?
Whenever the right boy asks me.... God will direct him.

44) Have you ever been married?
nope. I'm only 22.... come on!

45) Have you ever received a restraining order?
not at all

6) At what age do you want to have kids?
Whenever my husband and I decide

47) How many kids?
2,3,4 who knows.

48) Ketchup or mustard?

49) When is the last time someone deleted you from their Myspace friends list?
I don't have a myspace

50) How many times a week are you on Myspace?

51) Ever been kicked out of your home?
no... how sad

52) Favorite character on Friends?
OMG! I love them all!

53) Ever eat Spam?
Gross no!

54) Have a crush on a teacher?
Yeah.... a small one on Mr. Moore

55) Favorite store?
Old Navy by far

56) Have a best friend?
Yes, I have a few

57) Have a crush
I mean, I crush Kenny

58) If you could have anything right now, what would it be?
Kenny not in NC and here with me. I miss you babe. MUAH
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