hUuMm soo heres today:
-got up didn even bother 2 get outa my pj's lol..
-went to cos gave a facial that was fun n twoards the end madison did her make up like marylin monroe n was playin wit this blonde wig soo after she took it off i tryed it on i looked mad wierd...
YeA soO thats me neways.. lol
-i get back from cos n go to guilderland n i totally forgot it was the gay cultural fair soO i go to math n like the door is locked n im like gRr soo i go to the culteral fair cuz i figure thats were the class was n shure enough they were soo we stay there n at lunch till 12:15 which is SwEeTT! but then i had 2 go to class for 35 mins which wasnt bad cuz kno why??? YES THATS RIGHT my history teacher was in the culteral fair soo i got to go there all 4th block =D
-neways while i was there during math i saw max n chilled wit him n i saw ppl braiding n i was like I want cornrows!! soo i made it a mission 2 go around n ask ppl for money soo i could get them n i got 8 bucks =D soo during 4th block i got my hair did.. lol not alota ppl liked them n i will tell u what happened in a bit >=(
Yeaa lol SoO Neways..
-i go to the mall 2 get my SHOWER RADIO CD PLAYER ALARM CLOCK!! YESSS =D =D i got that then me n this girl n justin go for a ride 2 troy soo justin could change his clothes n he did n then after that we chilled out for a while we saw mariol n me n her n justin n her friend all smoked n visited jeremey cuz we were smokin in a car right infront of his house lol..
-soO i go back 2 the mall n me n justin n chris r walkin 2 cvs so i can get justin some hair shit n like we see trevor n im like u like my hair trvor? n hes like no.. i hate it lol soo this is soOo mean n makes me wanna never put cornrows in my hair but they like held me down n took all the rubber bands out then trevor took out 1 braid n i would look mad stupid wit juss 1 out sOo OF COURSE i had 2 take all of them out lol n trevor was like 'look were takin all the blackness outa her' or sumthing i forget it was mad funny but i was cracking jokes all day ab me bein black n marisol 2 lol. THANKS ALOT TREVOR CUZ OF U IM SCARRD FROM EVER PUTTING CORNROWS IN MY HAIR EVERRR AGIAN lol i dont care thats not even what i wanted =( i told her i wanted half it done not my whole head n i gave her 8$ n it was supposed 2 be 20 for the whole head that was kewl yea SoO that was my day n i have a headache soo i guess i will TtYL
PEeShH <3/DaNNi