I thought I should mention, that for the first time in almost 6 years, I have a fully operational website.
dannz0rz.com It does have a functional blog, so I might use it. But probably not as there is no "friends-only" option.
Life has been pretty good otherwise. Midas got a 50k a year job, so we don't have to live in poverty anymore, and my dad said he'd pay for my college, so I don't have to work anymore. I got fired from my internship because of my inability to show up. Can't say I blame them. Ah well. At least I get one more check for the work I did do.
I'm hoping to get an HCI research position over the summer. It'll be something I actually care about, so the chances of me showing up are greatly increased. While I did care for the internship, I didn't care for the work they were giving me or the product we were working towards.
My grades are probably going to be two C's and an A this semester. The A in web design :P