Jul 05, 2009 22:01
So, yesterday was the July 4th and it was no big deal. I kinda miss when holidays mattered. Now it just means there's gonna be a lot of corn and watermelon at work.
I got promoted finally. Pay raise kicked in 2 weeks ago, now I make like 350 a week without overtime, so that's the minimum. Anyway, I'm sitting pretty with money, just still need friends.
A less than a friend, more than an acquaintance of mine died last week. For a while everyone, including myself, thought it was a suicide but it was actually a suicide attempt that led to a hospitalization then while hospitalized, he threw up in his sleep, choked on it and died because the people SUPPOSED to be watching him fell asleep. I really hope those people lose their job AND don't have a chance at getting another one. Ever. It makes me sick to know that's how he really died, because he had his chance to live. And these are the same type of people who are taking care of my grandfather.
My PS3 wasn't broken, just the hard drive was messed up and my PSP has been in the console of my car the past month that it's been "missing" and assumed thrown out by mistake. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever meet someone as/more absent minded than I. Just glad it's back.
absent mindedness,