Well this is what I don't get about radio. If theyre required legally to play can-con, why don't they choose the good can-con like people who just play stuff and are like yeah thats cool and not the bad can-con which is like we will now sink dollars into you talentless hacks to appear to pull even with american productions even though nobody really cares. By accident, I've stumbled across Mother Mother who are just zany enough to work. I wouldn't complain if radios were forced to cancon AS LONG AS there was a wide variety also from artists who are fringey EVEN IF THEY ARE DOWNRIGHT BAD MUSICIANS just for the sake of cancon quotas. My problem is with the 4 cancon songs which are viewed as "good" because they are similar to US mainstream trash so to meet the quotas, these four songs are played 5 times each within 2 hours.
So for GODS SAKE play Broken Social Scene! play Arcade Fire! play Nadia von Hahn! play Mother Mother! PLAY FROG EYES!
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