Aug 21, 2005 00:48
hey. i'm so bored, no one's online at all. today i woke up at like 1130. and went to get my nails done with shiffon at 12. i can't wait till we go out for her birthday friday night! i drove her home after, and i drove to target and media play, saturday afternoon traffic and all. :) i cleaned my room up when i got home. and went to work for 5. i worked with kahwan, greg, poncho, cynthia and michelle. amanda was upset b/c mike found out about everything, and poncho thinks it's my fault b/c to his knowledge i told christina, (when ireally didn't) and its christinas fault her dad found out. michelle is okay but i don't really care for her. and cynthias just crazy. i love kahwan tho. he called jake and left a voicemail without me knowing and he was like this is sams boyfriend, leave my fucking girlfriend alone or i'll fucking kill you. it was funny. i only have 4 days next week. so now if i wasn't upset enough that i have volley ball three hours a day, i have every other day off work on top of that! grrrr. i need to get poncho back the next time we work together! first when i was at the sink he unplugged the drain in the back and didn't warn me so spray went allll over me when he did it as i was washing the dishes, and then he called me samantha, and iwas like poncho! don't! and he said it like 4 times and then was like, samantha baxter and he ran into the guys bathroom. then i ran to the kitchen to tell kahwan, and i went back out and was waiting outside the guys door for him for like 3 minutes and it was dead quiet, and all of the sudden he pokes his head outta the girls door, scares the shit outta me and says i out smarted you! omg i almost died i was so scared! other than that nothing really interesting happened. I'm finally starting weight watchers with dena monday! yay. now i just need to figure out what i'm gonna do with all these days off! maybe i'll make my massage appt. anyone wanna hang out let me know <333
jens back!!!!!!!