Kim Jong Il goes on a salad dressing run

May 25, 2011 11:45

There's a lot of mystery surrounding North Korean leader Kim Jong Il's current trip to China. For one, why's it so hard for him to get salad dressing? The Telegraph reports:

The 69-year-old leader of North Korea slipped out of his suite at the Yangzhou State Guest House at around four o'clock on Monday afternoon and strolled for five minutes to the Suguo supermarket.

Kim, who is a known gourmet, reportedly then accosted one sales clerk and asked "Where can I find oil for a salad?"
Good olive oil is, of course, hard to come by in North Korea, where the World Food Programme said in March there were more than six million people on the brink of starvation and requiring urgent food aid.[...]

But while the North Korean leader paid special attention to the rice and oil in the supermarket, which closed at 1.30pm especially for him, he came away empty-handed. He went on to board his special train before heading to Nanjing and then to Beijing.
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