Jan 09, 2008 14:13
Playing $200 3/5 NL Sunday v the regular lineup at DJ's casino. It's near the end of an 8 hour session, and I had managed to get unstuck. I'm in the SB with JQh. UTG, decent but not real good player, open raises for $50. It's called in 4 places back to me, and I decided to take the $250 free money and raise to $150 total. To my surprise, UTG calls me, all else fold. Flop is 6-9-6 3 suits. I'm putting her on AK or AQ based upon how she plays, possible high pocket pair, but I'm representing aces or kings. I fire out $150, she thinks for a while and calls.
Turn is Qc - ding! I can beat everything except AA or KK now. I don't think she has a 6. I bet $200. She fires two white chips into the pot to call me without thinking. Uh oh, she DOES have aces or A-6. I've just wasted $475 and am stuck again.
River is the beautiful Qs, giving me Q's full of 6's. "All in" I say, pushing 4 stacks forward along with $29 extra. She starts mumbling like a street person and shaking her head. She had me covered by around $75. She tanks for almost 5 minutes, then finally makes the call and tables 9-9 - she'd flopped the joint, and I made a major league suckout to win a pot of over $2000 ($1200 of it profit).
I now know what if feels like to win a major suckout - I've lost my fair share of them. It doesn't feel good. I'd rather win by playing well, not by playing like a blind monkey and getting lucky.
The entire table spent the next half hour telling her that she played the hand well, that she just got unlucky - I really did feel sorry for her, but if losing a $2k pot affected her that much, perhaps she's playing too high.