Nov 17, 2004 02:45
Job great. Love life non-existant...and my 30th rapidly approaching. There's gonna be alot of old jokes floating around, but other than my knees I sure don't feel old. I'm throwing a birthday party for myself, dork that I am. I sure hope it works out. Nothing worse than a birthday party that no one shows to. Nothing in the world feels worse. I've only had one successful b-day party ever, and the ex planned it. I'd like to invite my friends from Buckleys but I can't because they had a fight with each other and one group of them hates the other group now. I won't be partial so I can't invite anyone. It makes me sad because I like both groups. From what I understand, one or two of the guys in group A were making gay jokes. There were gay people there and group B got all pissed at them. Knowing the guys in group A, I don't think they meant anything by it. Granted, I wasn't there, but I rarely take anything the group A people say seriously cuz they're almost always joking....I thought the people in group B knew that. Any of my readers are invited, although there is no definite location planned yet. It's either at Mug's or Buckley's. I miss my Ohio people alot.