Jul 19, 2005 13:14
So its been awhile. Things are going here on the island. Due to driving problems, Erin, rob josh and c-lion did not make it up for my actual birthday night. :-( BUT THEY MADE IT THE NEXT DAY!!! It is was so incredibley awesome to see them, you never realize how much you miss people until your stuck on an island (even though most of the people ROCK here) and cant see them. I miss my family. I miss my a-town crew. I miss the UMASS crew. I definetly miss JA18 in its true form. Its going to be weird with everyone going away to different countries this year.
But back to the my birthday weekend. It was fun, we went out to lunch, took a little tour up island (where Caroline and I debated pop-punk, much to the dismay of everyone else!) and had some microwave dinners! A fun time indeed, thank you guys for making my birthday rock!
I found a second job working at a package store. It pays pretty well and I get 20% off my booze!!! And since I work in the morning, i dont have too much responcibilty and spend most of the time talking with the people i work with.
So hows the island going? Different then I imagined it. I spend a lot of time to myself, just chilling, playing guitar, reading. Being able to think about things. Taking some time to evaluate my life, what i want, what I want to do. And it all comes back to the same thing: I don't have a fucking clue. Haha, at first it freaked me out. I was seriously considering taking time off from school. But then i was afraid that if I left, I would never go back. And I want to finish. Plus I like my friends, I like my job and I'm excited to join Engine 3. So all my soul seaching has led to me to one conclusion: Live it up. Stop thinking so damn hard. I have a really negative self-image. Everytime someone says, "You're tall" its another reminder to me that I stick out like a sore thumb. And it makes me horribly self-conscience. I have this overwhelming anxiety that people don't want to be my friend and just put up with me til I leave. And it hurts me in so many ways. I need to get over that. And I will. I spend too much time in my room. Doing nothing. Like I'm doing right now. Haha.
So here's my goals for the summer:
1) Start saving money for a change
2) Get better at guitar
3) Start a healthy workout/eating routine (Currently I eat 2 small meals a day=not healthy)
4) Get back down to a size 36 waist
6) Make everyday count
The last one is important to me. I'm here on this beautiful island and everyday is flying by. I look down at my watch and two days have passed! What have I done? Nothing. Time for that to change.
and my ranting is down. thank you all.