Pissy February Rant

Feb 20, 2007 20:13

I'm going to vent and rant some. You were warned.

I'm really fucking tired of sitting through discussions in Gay and Lesbian Literature class. I can think of few worse punishments than being in the same room as 30 to 40 pretentious homo undergraduate English majors try to prove themselves by talking about how they think and/or feel about post-modern queer literature. What is it with these people?! I try to amuse myself as best I can when I'm stuck there. I write out grocery lists or draw in my notebook sometimes. I'm not going to join in with the useless ego masturbation though. I refuse to devolve to such a compromised hollow state of being. It is a good thing Dr. Kopelson likes my writing and has given me all A's so far because I am going to be cutting class A LOT the next couple months. I'm SO finished with this bullshit.

Frankly, I sometimes wonder how my classroom experiences this semester constitute "higher learning" at all. What the hell is higher learning supposed to be anyway? Does it imply I should be learning something complex and/or useful? How can I be PAYING (going into debt) for this crap?! Yoga and Step Aerobics are the most beneficial and thought-provoking classes for me this semester. I'm not even joking. At least I feel like I've accomplished something when they are over and I don't feel just a little dumber for having sat through them at the end like I do in Gay class or This-is-a-Computer class or French-for-People-Who-Aren't-Really-Interested class.

Other Daniel and I have basically stopped hanging out at all. We had two or three somewhat awkward telephone exchanges last week. We were going to get together a couple times but once I bailed and the other time he did. I don't really feel like hanging out with him anymore but we need to have that conversation. Or do we? I think we are on the same page with the whole not wanting to purse a relationship thing but he has never expicitly said that to me. I don't know if he is one who needs closure or not but I wouldn't want to pull a Larry on him and just stop talking without any explination.

Err. Toss in some stress from having to seriously plan what I'm going to do with the rest of my life into the mix.

I hate hate HATE February.
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