"Did you want to take a shower but ended up taking a bath?", I have the hugest zit right where little Joe is pointing at - it hurts so much. Draining it was pretty awful and creamy but I couldn't let it keep growing having about three white spots on it already, but now it's very painful for myself and everyone involved (I mean looking at me). I don't know why this kind of weather gives me welt sized acne; in humidity it's a little more tolerable but still unavoidable to slight breakouts. I miss humidity and wearing sandals, night time at the beach and dealing with small(er) pimples. Everything seems so dry and barren here, even though I guess the snow is pretty wet. It is sort of an aching I get, in my throat and my skin trying to grow out of itself ... I'm glad I don't have an intense anxiety over these things but I know after months of this I might! In the morning, in my pitch-black room, I stretch out all over my bed and I wake up in cold-sweat while dreaming of steam that matches the humidity outside ~~~``~~~