May 08, 2009 23:24
I don't think there are styles, but there are expressions: for different styles to exists, the rules of baduk should be different in Japan, Korea, Latin America, ... but they are the same. And since there are no different rules, there are not different styles.
Everybody should find his/her own expression in Baduk: there are principles, yes: but the how we can create our own way using that principles is what make every player an artist. When you worry more about following the rules and not playing your own, then you become a product; one more in a production line, and even worst: you can't take advantage of what everybody knows and everybody is doing, since is all the same.
Greatest warriors and strategist in all fields made their own way: even created positions/situations where the principles don't work, but a new approach does. Waiting for the circumstances to happen is to be a slave of the fate, and those who are free make their own circumstances.
If the adversary retreats, I advance to take the bigger territory, if he advances I should go back but preparing the counter offense. A real master is not worried, is always ready and when the opportunity shows, he even doesn't execute the hit against the adversary position: the hit does itself!
That's why our duty is to become ready to use whatever tool that work for our expression. We need to be complete: we need to master the simple position to bring our opponent to a fight where we are stronger, we need to master fighting in order to stop his efforts to mess and steal our win. Like ying and yang, we should become the opposite force (that's also a physics principle: any action creates an opposite force). He must take the proper shape, but have an undefined shape by our own. We must be like water.
The ideal is that our opponent understand our plans until it's too late for him. We must be as a blue ocean, making any effort to come back useless.
At the end, no matter how beautiful Baduk is, victory is the only thing that matters: if we can simply accept defeats and let them go away, we can't win. They should be triggers that our goal is still far.
I will keep playing aggressive Baduk: I will try to dominate, not giving the smallest chance to comeback my opponent..., but I should learn to keep a solid basis in my position too: the punch sent if your legs are weak, will surely fail and you will be exposed to counter attack.
Winning is all in a single game: If winning is not all... then why to score at the end? But in order to win, the really important thing is the proper preparation. Practice can't make perfection, but it does excellence! We must play every move putting all our heart to win, but we must train with even a bigger obsession to minimize our errors. As usual, the goal has its bigger meaning in the way we walk to get there.
We should look for the victory with the happiness of the discovery, of the expression of our own.. with the freedom of being! If we are not enjoying the game, probably there's something wrong.
I know I learned Baduk late, I know I can't dedicate 8 hours a day to study or sit down to memorize and compare joseki sequences in all the recent pro games. But If I really love Baduk, I will keep solving problems in the buses, I will keep waking up at 3:00 am to try to replay a pro game. I won't give up to become a stronger player.
At the end of the day, I also found out a treasure that is a blessing: Hye Yeon, Alexandra, Francesco, Dimas, Cornell, Christian Pop, Hu Yuqing, Javi, Tabares, Cesar, Oscar, Zurime, Marija, Valjhe... I can't enumerate all them, but meeting all these people is real blessing! I am not alone: my family is bigger than I ever thought!