Computer's Games Time!~

Feb 01, 2009 21:20

This week was officially an Entertainment one...

All has been related to that...
It all started two weeks ago: One coworker had a birthday party, and he invited us to his house. I went and played Wii Boxing. After two hours (undefeated... :D) I started to feel an ache in my right arm. One week later, I had my arm in full pain mode. Medics said I got a muscular lesion and forbid me to use my arm as long as possible. So this last week (birthday week) I've been using the mouse with the left hand just type a little with the right hand. Thanks God with some therapy and rest I am better... but there are still some muscles giving me problems in the elbow..
Remember: WII is dangerous to health!!

And, to my surprise, last thursday I became one of the judges for the Costa Rica's Game Jam ... a simultaneous world wide event: THE GLOBAL GAME JAM
I said "Yes, I am in!" but as I arrived and saw what they were doing and the tools I started to be afraid: I barely recognized some of the tools... I need to catch up with the game industry.

In the american continent only Venezuela, Brazil, USA and Canada hosted this event. I was surprised to see there was no host from my dear South Korea! I read some time ago that the Korean Software industry was lacking of an X- factor... innovation, passion... Probably I should go there and teach spanish and move everything to host this competition there.

For 48 hours I saw people giving all they had for making a video game. I was amazing. I got loaded from their energy I shared their passsion.

I will come again! Once again!! Next year. If I'm in CR, as a judge.. If I am in Korea, I will organize one!

I know I can move mountains..
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