(no subject)

Dec 25, 2008 23:26

Merry Christmas!
Haven't updated since the beginning of july! and that was only to ask where alex was(yes you alex) Since then I havent done much I successfully completed another semester at OCC and also made a trip up to Kodiak, Alaska. Probably the most beautiful place I have been so far in my life. Went and visited two of my uncles while also taking an oil clean-up certification course. I learned what to do in the event of an oil spill in bodies of water, how the equipment works, proper safety ect... My uncle also paid each member of his crew including myself $500 for the three day course! Christmas was slightly bleak this year with the family only got a few gifts but I am still very greatful and I was actually able to give more then I recieved so that has it's own rewards. Unsure of the plans for New Years but see no reason for stress. Hope everyones 2008 was grand and didn't fly by as fast as mine did.

Some of the pictures from Alaska (barely capturing its actual beauty)

my sexy outfit...

missing a screw or two but still good

fishing... fighting seasickness


seaweed jump rope

survival suit

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