you can run, you can hide, but never close your eyes

Dec 16, 2003 00:01

beware the sands of time

so today I got up and filmed Josh was mostly good stuff, a few good bails...haha...and Josh broke his board and it was only his second day of using it...that sucks...but also I fucked my toes up...

the story is as follows:

I was filming Josh and I was wearing those rollerblades that Nick gave me (or let me wear for a day and I didn't give back)...ok...well the rollerblades are like size 10s, and I wear my toes are always crammed into them hardcore, like it's super hard to even get em I film him going up this ramp and ollie onto a loading I'm going, I realize like 1 second before that I'm going to slam super hard into this chest high I do...but really the only thing that hits the wall are my feet that are super crammed into these stupid my toes pretty much bend back, only at the toenails and now my 2 big toes are purple, and I'm sure by the end of the week my toenails are gonna fall off...the only reason I'm putting this story in here is cause I thought it was funny that I could be so stupid...haha...and also if you see me sometime soon and I'm limping, don't ask me cause I've already said the story like twice already...enough...

so I went and hung out at Josh's was fun...I taught him Waking Up Dead...I hope we can totally play that song from now was one of my favorites with the drum machine...even though we never played it right live...fuck...I'm trying to write us a new song...but its a lot harder than it seems...probably cause I play bass and theres only a limited number of stuff you can do on a bass...but guitars have 2 more strings and you are supposed to play more than one of them at a the possibilities are ENDLESS...or not really...but who cares...

I love me some Tragedy...damn...those dudes can write a mean song...wait, make that album...they can write a mean album...cause both Vengeance and the first rule...not to mention the Can We Call This Life 7" (cause that includes The Ending Fight)...and also the Totalitar split (cause that includes No End In Sight)...GOD I LOVE TRAGEDY...that is all...
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