somehow i still manage.
i suppose i'll just give an over view of the week:
monday i attended the drama menagerie. shari choreographed the group dance and i was so proud of her. she is so talented. tuesday i went to the eye doctor. when he dilated my eyes he found something. i happen to be in the beginning stages of retinal detachment. in my case means that i am actually blind out of the top left part of my eye. wednesday i participated in the last chorus concert of my high career. thursday i refused to go to the thespian honors night. i was pissed because i knew i wouldn’t be presented the honor thespian chords i deserve. harv got to pick and choose who she wanted to have them this year and since i didn’t do anything in the program and by doing so i pretty much told her nonverbally to take the drama department and shove it up her ass and go to hell. so no chords for me. i did have a very nice family dinner. my mom made amazing chicken parmesan and i don’t think the night could have been better. friday night i ended up at stephen’s and watched what lies beneath with a group. saturday went to little five points with roudy and nicki. i got my second tattoo at holy mother. the tattoo artist wasnt as sensitive as craig was. it's still a little sore. strangest thing. when i was laying there another tattoo artist came over and was talking to me and ask me where i had my other kanji done. i told him in california at the tattoo asylum. he ask me if i remembered the guys name that did it and i told him. turns out they know him. talk about a small world. went to dinner at andrew's house. his mom made an amazing italian dinner. later that evening we went to the post banquet party. everyone seemed to have a great time there. moulin rouge to conclude the evening at my house. sunday night watched movies with shari and chilled. monday helped roudabeh on her project some. i know that they will love it, btw. you are an awesome kid. i’m sure that they know it too. it is coming down to graduation time. i think i'm finally ready for it. when this summer ends tho...i don't know. it'll be hard.
This story is about truth, beauty, freedom; but above all things, this story is about love
i cried today. just a tear or two... i miss my dad.