In November of 2007, our clinic diagnosed two heartworm positive dogs that were native to this area. This is a warning that heartworm is spreading and is becoming more of a threat.
Heartworm is spread by mosquitoes and, as the name implies, these are worms that live in the heart and cause heart failure over time.
It is recommended that dogs that are not currently on monthly heartworm preventative be tested with a simple blood test now prior to mosquito season. All dogs, even apartment dwelling dogs, should be on year-round monthly preventative.
Please contact us or your veterinarian for more information.
Easter Lilies and many other lilies are toxic to cats. Cats who chew on these plants can develop acute kidney failure and die despite emergency treatment.
Please do not allow these plants, either live or in floral arrangements, near your cats.
Finally, a little fun stuff: We now offer the Wisdom DNA test for mixed breed dogs - this is a simple blood test and the results are ready in 2-4 weeks. Please call 650-341-7741 to make an appointment - no exam is necessary for this test.
Laurelwood Veterinary Clinic is located in the Laurelwood Shopping Center in San Mateo near the College of San Mateo.
Take the West Hillsdale exit off Hwy. 92.
Open 8-12 and 2-6 Mon thru Fri, and the second Sat of the month from 8-1pm.
Dr. Dani Weber is a 1992 graduate of UC Davis School of Vet Med.
She treats dogs, cats, rabbits and rodents.
1334 West Hillsdale Blvd.
San Mateo, CA 94403