Apr 25, 2008 15:35
Sweet, sweet FRIDAY! It was a long week... well, not long as much very full. Good busy, though, especially at work. RTSF is going to be really wonderful this summer. I'm feeling really good about revisiting it. Now if only I could find one more day job to get me to August...
One week and counting til the St. Louis roadtrip! Apartment hunting from a distance is surprisingly difficult. I hope we line up some great places to see that will look good to everyone. I'm excited, though, even if it's a total bust because I'm finally going to get to see the city itself! It's hard not having any sort of a visual about St. Louis as a whole, so I'm really happy that I'm about to get at least a general idea of the city I'll be calling home for a while.
Thesis day on Sunday. Hopefully by the end of the weekend it'll be totally done and I'll never have to worry about it again!
Kind of a shotty recap of the week, I know, but it will do. Watch out for tornadoes!
st. louis