School is impossible

Dec 12, 2007 13:22

Two ten-page papers due on one day? A ten-page portfolio project due next week? Two journals? Yet another portfolio? What does it all mean? Ultimate scholastic doom. I don't know how I'm going to do this, but when I do, it's going to feel sooooooo good. If I'm still alive, that is.

I don't know why it's so hard to go to every class but Meisner. I mean, Meisner doesn't even feel like class. It's like going to rehearsal, the same feeling almost exactly. JC brought up class evaluations yesterday, and I had to remind myself that yes, this is a class despite all evidence to the contrary. Can't I just do theatre in a little hole somewhere and screw the rest of my education? Huh?

At the same time, I realized this week how much I miss normal life. It's something that I didn't appreciate when Jamie and I were together. He sort of kept me in the real world, kept me doing real world things. You know, like video games, going to movies (I haven't been to a movie theatre since this summer), Harry Potter books and movies, the L Word, cooking fancifully when we had the time and money, going to Studio, homework (!), just general hanging out time that is totally gone now. I'm a one-note theatre machine, which is all well and good, but I'm starting to realize that everyone else I know has built normal life into the basic structure of theatre life. I miss that. I only do it now when it's theatre-related, and let me tell you it is hard to build Guitar Hero and techno music into a Meisner class. I need to figure out how to do that again on my own, because I can already tell that when I get out of here and don't have a show to do, I'm going to lose it hardcore.

We had a great rehearsal last night, just starting to figure out what all three of us need to know about history or relationships. I hope Christina gets in here soon, though. I'm a little worried about the three of us getting too self-sufficient and her feeling incredibly obsolete, which I don't want. But at the same time, I want the acting at the heart of the show. Bah. I don't know. The sooner she gets in here, though, the better it will be for everyone. I'm just so nervous, but so thrilled. I say that every time, I know, but there it is. This may very well be my last show at UI if New Play Festival doesn't come through, and the odds are that it's the last Casey/Danielle show, which is really sad, because our working relationship is so freaking good and I don't know when I'm going to have that again with someone from the outside world.

On a much happier note, my hair is free! No more pincurls for Danielle! I picked up my straightening iron yesterday, and I think it had forgotten who I was. It's nice to look like me again.

I have two days to figure out what a ten- and twelve-year-old boy might want for his birthday and get it. It's gotta be good. I love those little guys, and we get to have a sleepover on Friday! It will be a much needed change of pace.

doubts, abm7, home, theatre, hair, family, jamie, meisner

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