Nov 01, 2004 23:33
If you're reading this, then you probably are probably already on top of things enough to realize that Nov. 2 is the day we all vote. Bring I.D. with you to the polls. Especially if you live in a swing state. If you live somewhere else, they might not check.. but, this race is pretty close in many states, so bring it with you just in case. Also, keep an eye out for any voter intimidation. You probably won't see any (other than Cheney remarking that we'll all die if we elect Kerry), but if you do and you live in PA, call 1-866-VOTEPA-9.. There's a rumor on the Internets that the Republicans have rented all the Crown Victoria's in the state of PA.. Don't give the judge of elections any lip. He or she can kick your ass out of the poll. If there's a line, be patient. Get your vote counted.
As for me, I'm nervous, and tired, and hopeful and don't care. all wrapped into one continuous roller coaster. I hope all goes well.
Don't get too upset if your guy looses. (that goes for me too.) I think our system is resilient. If the pendulum swings too far one way, the other side will claw and fight and march in the streets until it swings back the other way.... On the way out of my training session tonight, I met a woman who was struggling just to walk. She'd run out of oxygen. She was out of breath and sweating. I stopped. Another woman, Lisa, also stopped. We helped the woman to her car. Lisa carried the woman's empty oxygen tank. As she got in her car, the woman muttered, "The things I'll do for Kerry. I'll have to remember to bring three tanks with me tommorrow."