I should stop reading
the news. It just upsets me. Why can't the Republicans just leave gays alone? Why do they have to ask for amendments to the constitution to cannonize the discrimination?
Sorry. I know I'm ranting, but it just angers me at a visceral level. They try to make all sorts of good sounding reasons for why it's not bigotry, but it is
Then I hear shrub's speech about it and I just want to find him and hock a great big sticky loogie in his face.
Wouldn't solve anything but I'd feel better.
That would certainly make me feel better too. :) I bet there are a lot of other people that would make feel better too. hehehe.. Maybe we should all march down to Washington and cover the Whitehouse lawn with our expectorant.
I urge you to write your Senators and Congressmen to let them know that you support gay marriage. Also, since you live in Massachusetts, you should write to you state legislatures to let them know you support the freedom to marry. I think the Massachusetts legislature still needs to come up with a law that satifies your state's supreme court's decisions that gays must have the right to fully marry. Act now! Positive actions will make you feel better than the loogie (not even counting the beating you'd get from the secret service afterwards). :)
I'm tempted to send flowers to some of the happy couples.
awww. that would be very sweet. :-) it really does warm my heart to have these marriages happening. a barrier in the path of love has been torn down.
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