Removal of Invisibility Cloak

Sep 24, 2007 08:52

After nearly a year of not posting here, I have decided to take it up again... mostly, because I want to be a part of all these amazing fic communities. How did I miss all that before? Silly me.

In case anyone is somehow interested, the only fanfiction story of mine that has been recently updated is A Time to Trust. The story (which is up to chapter fourteen) can be found at

And if you didn't know, my penname on ashwinder is alphafemale. I should have made the lj name the same but I... didn't. Oops.

In other news, I work for a not-for-profit theatre company, and in about two weeks, we are deciding our schedule for the 2008 season. I will be proposing an idea for a solo-performance show called Skinned, which will involve 8-10 writers creating and performing solo plays relating to the body: body parts, functions, images, etc. I think these might be assignment-pieces wherein they have to talk to someone else about their bodies, problems, etc. But there will also be a personal note to all of it. Anyway, without going into too much detail, that's the plan. If anyone has any ideas, let me know. Or if anyone lives in the St. Louis (or St. Louis Metro East) area and would like to get involved, let me know that, too!
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