endings and beginnings

Nov 20, 2006 11:34

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junewilliams7 November 21 2006, 04:54:56 UTC
Don't want to be a stalker, but ... ahem ... epilogue, please!! Even if there is a sequel later, an epilogue closes loose ends and sets things up for the sequel. Loose ends such as: how everyone reacted to her actions or if she kept her identity secret, what the press coverage said, does she have a trial for murder or "vigilante justice," do S&H ever let the public know that Lucius, etc. are dead. (Crouch would be a big surprise - does Crouch have evil friends still alive?) There are enough folks who knew Hermione's identity who would wonder about her - Neville and his Gran, certainly. Would Severus clean up the crime scene so that nothing can be traced to Hermione? Her blood/DNA is all over the place...

Does Hermione celebrate, or just try to forget? Big change, from Grim Mistress to shopclerk or something routine. Does she finally forgive herself for Harry and Ron's deaths? Is she relieved, or does she have nightmares? Did she spit up ALL of Bella and Lucius? Do Aurors go into the "rooms" looking for Lucius, etc. and accidentally end up in the "hall"? (Okay, these could be in a sequel.)

I understand you have other stuff to write and real life, etc. But the last chapter of GM seemed to me a bit abrupt - after all this work and sacrifice for her to kill everyone, she finally succeeds and... that's it! Where is Hermione's closure? She was their last victim, and while she survived Lucius, etc. physically, she needs to recover. And Severus too.

(sits patiently for other fans to join in discussion...) BTW, AU is a wonderful place!!

- June W.


danistormborn November 21 2006, 15:20:50 UTC
Look at all those questions you asked! Wow, I have a LOT of things to figure out if I'm going to go any further with the story.
So... an epilogue. If I did do one, it would definitely involve the press coverage. But... I think maybe that would be a cooler way to start out a sequel. And it would lead up to a trial.
I wonder how DNA tests would work in the wizarding world. Hmm...
I would also want to see Hermione visit the spot where she killed Draco. She would need to, I think, to work towards forgiving herself.
You also mentioned the whole Hermione/Lily thing. Even if they did identify Hermione's blood, most people assume she's dead. Or maybe they would assume she was somehow alive and the last victim of this group. And with Severus being the ONLY survivor of that ritual...
But then again, no one except Severus and Hermione even know about the Hallway where the ritual took place. So, how does it get uncovered?
Ooh! Now I'm thinking about Rita Skeeter going on a search to find the scoop on the disappearance of Lucius Malfoy or something and her finding the hallway somehow. And then everything spirals from there...
I guess I have too many questions to tie things up in an epilogue. If I did anything, it would have to be a sequel. I can only imagine an epilogue raising more questions. But that's me.


junewilliams7 November 22 2006, 08:55:11 UTC
Re finding the rooms - if I remember correctly, someone can go into each person's "room" (Lucius' home office, the Lestranges' office, etc.) and pick up the thingie that enables them to enter the special hallway. I figured someone could pick up the thingie and discover the hallway, thus finding the other Death Eaters' doors. That might trigger a search, and then "Lily" was Lucius' fiancee, so the Aurors might be looking for her, and then they would question Gran Longbottom (she sponsored Lily, no?), and then Hermione might have to come out of hiding to defend Gran.... Veritaserum on Gran or Neville would force them to admit Hermione is alive. And unless Severus is also in hiding with Hermione, he too could be picked up for questioning. Well, you can tell that I'm really hoping for more of this story! Epilogue or sequel or just say the story is "not completed" and continue. Hmm, perhaps the Grim Mistress is forced to go back in action.... You could do a million things! As long as you keep writing (and don't kill off Severus or Hermione), I'll be happy!!

PS - happy T-day!!


danistormborn November 22 2006, 19:15:41 UTC
Those are all really good points and ideas. Damn! Now the story is twisting around in my head.
Grr... I'll have to think about it some more. When I've got a plot solidified, I'll let you know. Curses! This story was supposed to be DONE.


(The comment has been removed)

danistormborn November 27 2006, 21:39:34 UTC
I completely agree! Yes, Hermione must be held accountable for her actions - by the wizarding world and by herself. And I think in both of those instances, she will need a lot of Snape love to help her along.


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