In which I am khunfused, what the buck...

Aug 06, 2010 15:49

I think Chinese is hot. Suddenly. Or, wait, no. I think Hangeng is hot.

Oops, wrong picture.

Now look:

Who can resist in front of this adorable big-nosed puppy face, huh ?

The album is crap, honestly. But I like the first song. And that 1/10th of success is enough to get me entirely: why so shexy, Geng?

List of Things That Do Not Help:
a) my current abundant reading of SuJu HanChul smut intelligent and psychological fics
b) my current writing of aforementionned fics
c) Inception
d) my cell-phone
e) Google Images
f) sushi

Justement, tiens. INCEPTION.
Well, hello~, new-crush-Arthur. Me is glad to see you, especially in that WAIST-COAT, #keysmash#.

I know, right...

I have a (mostly coherent) ficplot, urges for (really coherent) fic, and... Yeah.

Meanwhile I'm taking notes on clones and stuff and should probably go back to work if I want to procrastinate in proper mind peace later on.
...Let's do it.

I've been re-listening to NEWS and re-reading fic and, damn, these guys sure know how to make themselves attractive, ne?
OK Tego, now you can get out of my brain.)

random: i iz happy, group: news the bouncy, random: my brain is broken, movie: inception, random: guns are love, what?: pimp, what?: picspam, super-idol: hangeng of fail, craze: jpop

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