Of procrastination and over-heated rooms...

Mar 18, 2010 17:36

The following are Bad things to do:

-read porn at the uni's library. When everyone else is looking for a seat. To work.

-write aphorementionned porn, still in aphorementionned library.

-watch porn. Always in library. (I don't do that one. I swear.)

-noisily unwrap super yummy white chocolate. And then proceed to eat it. All the while in front of desperately starved medschool students.
(Sorry dudes. I do that.)

-stand in the same room as a medschool student and pronounce one (or all) of the phollowing words: phree time, phun, mental sanity, etc. This list may be updated.

-call people geeks and nerds. It's not their fault if they're geeks or nerds. Plus there's the risk of crushing on them afterwards. (And THEN you feel dumb, lemme tell you...)

Mosbying is bad
Remember that.

[I HAVE to post that thing.]

[EDIT: I did.]

random: otaku is love, random: pharmidable!, random: highjacking, random: i like to rant, random: fuck no

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