Nov 03, 2004 15:18
I still have no idea to deal with the Christian-situation. Is he for real, or just another person who wants me for something.
Furtheremore I don´t know if I can rely one of my US friends, if he is cenceer in me being his "friend", or if he is as well going to keep me hanging, about me thinking we are friends.
As if it wasn´t enough that my some of my Danish "friends" holds me for jerk. My whole source of trusting people has become bad. Even the people, who I think may be be for real and my friends, I started doubting. So, sorry to you guys that are not being "fake" to me, but right now I can´t tell. I know to some of you I probably AM unfair too, and on beforehand sorry.
Just give me some time.
Hugs, to you guys that deserves it. Love, Dan