still sick of people

Oct 24, 2004 23:15

Yesterday was partly happy but also a bit sad. Not many remembered my birthday yeserday (one e-mail and 2 calls; not heared at all from my supposidly other "Friends"), and I was alone most of the day. But the Kolding people came up to celebrate me for afternoon coffie. So at least some people care about me. But I still think many (especially the ones that basicly in general never calls me) just are "actor friends". I am so sick of fake people. Is it money THEY are after, or just hanging so they can make fun of me.

Real frinds don´t always let the other make the first move. I think it must also be annoying that I am the one that always calls (hope I don´t seem desperate or trying to hard when I do that). But what else is there to do if they never call; I dont want to wait for a phone to ring with white beard and a cane.

I was thinking the other day why I wanted to keep on. My back is still driving me crazy these days and I must apaently drive people crazy as well these days;
And people don´t seem to give a shit about me anyway (just because I can be annoying, which I know I sometimes can seem; HELLOOOO, TELL ME, INSTEAD OF JUST LETTING ME HANGING AS THINKING I AM A FRIEND), almost like waiting for someone that will never show up, which has also happened for me lately.
What have I to look forward to in the future. Don´t even see what is waiting after my education; is teacher that great???
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