Feb 01, 2005 19:08
Today turned out to not be nearly as bad as i predicted. 81 bio midterm, 81 math, 72 english (thought i did better) 79.5 french. WTF. 79.5 ? what a bitch, she cant round up? anyway, theyre all not bad. my mom might flip out not sure tho. but yea, accepted to another college, Stony Brook. Im pretty happy about that. that makes 4 for 4 with 2 no respones yet. those damn private schools taking their time. and i was thinking today, maybe people dont know how i really feel about them. I mean, what if i died, and these people had the complete wrong idea? not that i plan on dying, but i just want to clear up some things so that theres no question. If youre not mentioned, it doesnt mean i dont like you, it just means that its pretty obvious that we're cool, or theres no need for explanation; even tho for some obvious ones im still clarifying. anyway here we go, in no particular order:
Junayd: hxc LTB. real glad you stick to that , thats real cool, good friend, fiend. jk. good man
Pat: Youre unreliable, but i still like you. but you are, and you know it and you should really stop sometime soon.
Ricardo: we only hang out in school and thats gay. so yeah we should have a weekly party. A superbowl party! dude lets have one. i just thought of this. ill probably IM you like 5 seconds after i finish typing this. ok youre not on. ill get you later.
Rachel: pretty super sweet friend (dude, sweet, not aww sweet.) umm always there for me, introduced me to elf. stop crying so god damn much. I tried for a little, but seriously.
Kasey: you and i kinda got in a kinda quasi fight kinda thing, and i think we both took that a bit too seriously. hopefully we'll get over that cuz its cool to hang out and stuff.
Christine: you know, cuz i told you. I just cant wonder anymore....
Liza: another place, another time. i feel so 40's movie dramatic saying that. but i think you catch my drift. youre.. yeah. exactly. a poor choice of words in wanting to tell you anything but words don't come with ease they're forever my....
CJ: solid. Terror squad/bloodfly. bitches just dont understand. yo thats mad pirate. youre a good man cj, a good man.
Ron: youre superfly. i wish i could be as cool as you. seriously. but im glad i dont have your nose.
Erica: im so mean to you all the time and i feel really bad about it. but when im nice you tell me to be mean again because youre not used to the niceness.
Jake: i got nothing bad to say. umm. yea man. lets build a mortar.
Katie S.: we talk on and off but ur cool. glad you still talk to me and such.
Katie and Kelsey: you are the same thing to me. when i say katie, or kelsey, i mean, katie and kelsey... is that weird? but u guys have been cool with the advice and such.
Joe: pretty sweet friend (again, dude sweet, not aww sweet) never made that band. maybe we could and nnick rose could drum for us. Elipsis. such a good name.
Bobby: we havent hung out in like a year. ok less cuz ive barely known you for 6 months but you get the idea. not sure if you read this or not, but we gotta hang out sometime because its alot of fun.
Evan: pretty cool kid. hebrew hammer bling and chaucer chaucer chaucer. remember when i slapped grecco's papers?
umm, that really is everyone. theres a couple other ppl like adam k. and words jsut dont do justice. umm oh chris too, thanks for physics and stuff. good man. and i kinda feel inclined to put clifton in here just so say how bitter he is but i dont think i will. So yea... pretty good day.