Mar 10, 2005 21:56
man, ive been starved from aim for like 4 days. absolutely ridiculous. maybe 3. i dont know why im so bored, its not like i really talked to alot of people anyway. i was going to contact courtney and maybe see her on sat. but since theres no aim, theres no contact. if i havent said it aleready, ill say it now, since few people actually read this, and fewer care what it says, im going to stop putting meaningful entires. no introspection, maine goals, deep emotions, none of it. takes too much time. its going to be limited to surface emotions, happy sad angry confused. with little to kno explaination of why. you may have noticed this with my latest entries, entirely meaningless to most, some hints or inside things to certain people, but i dont know if they even read this. so yeah. no one could tell even if i fell one hundred stories straight down, down, down. youre about as useful as a poopy flavored lollipop. allright. goodnight people. id like to do sometalking on friday, after 4ish. if youre free that is.