Johnny's Entertainment Prompt Challenge n°2

Jun 14, 2010 13:55

Pairing(s): NinoJun (Matsumiya) and RyoKame
Rating: G
Note: guess who pushed me into this? yes, that's right. gttwoods maknae again

“You guys!”
Don't let it go, Nino. Don't let them disturb you. Keep our gazes locked.
“I just hope you know that is plain ridiculous...”
So what. Don't lose, not now. We're both so close, it would be a shame.
“Don't interrupt them, Sho-chan, they're not worth it.”
That's it, Sho, don't you dare interrupt us because we're gonna be so mad. Right now we just let our anger flow between each other's eyes, but if we were to direct it towards someone else, no doubt it would be much more... frightening.
“But... Oh-chan...”
You winced, Nino. I saw you. I'm pretty sure you do not want to lose this little contest, do you? Then be a man and keep on.
“Oh-chan! Stop them! You're the leader, aren't you?”
“Aiba-chan, as much as I would like to, Nino-chan and Jun-chan are obviously way past “moron”, so let's just watch them and laugh at them.”
You lost, Nino. Just have a taste of Jun's death glare. More than twenty years of experience.
“You lost, Nino-chan.”
“Did too. You looked away.”

“Yo, Yamapi, check out the pictures of Akanishi in the shower I just got!”
Ryo slams the door open and bursts into the living room.
This is definitely not Yamapi sitting on the couch, looking like he'd rather be somewhere else.
“Oh... Kamenashi...”
“Hello, Nishikido.”
They stare at each other for a while. Ryo looks around, tries to find something to say. Why isn't Yamapi here?
“Why isn't Yamapi here?”
“I don't know. He said he would be here at four.”
“I thought he was here.”
“That's why I came in without knocking.”
Can't the guy say anything else than “yes”? That's starting to piss Ryo off.
“Erm. It's... a nice appartment.”
“Yes. It's nice.”
A sound. An emotion. Although Ryo doubts Kame's honesty, because Pi's tastes suck.
“It's bit... awkward.”
“Can I see the pictures?”
Ryo raises a brow and, reluctantly, sits next to Kame, noticing the nice little hands folded on the lap, knees crossed. Ryo smirks. Kame might be fun, after all.

fandom: johnny's e., #prompt challenge, pairing: kame/ryo, pairing: matsujun/nino, rating: gen

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