Jan 30, 2005 22:10
So, since it's my mother AND stepmother's birthday this weekend, I get home Thursday night and I'm like, I don't have any presents, I better change that, my father will kill me if I come to his house empty handed. So I get in my car and drive to the Rockaway Mall. Once there, I look around, but find nothing. I decide to try someplace else tomorrow. I get in my car and drive off. Several minutes later, I am trying to merge onto Route 80. I'm sitting, singing along to some song, whose title escapes me at the moment, oh wait, I think it was something Led Zeppelin. But I digress. My car is at a dead stop, there's a black Jeep in front of me, we are trying to get onto the highway but since it's still sort of rush hour, there's a lot of cars flying by, and it's impossible. Suddenly out of nowhere, I fly forward into the aforementioned black Jeep, and I'm like, holy shit, what the fuck just happened? My head hurts. I look behind me, and some fucker in a red Accord has smacked right into me. The black Jeep has been pushed up onto my hood, and the car behind me is crashed into my bumper; my little green Civic is sandwiched in between. Thirty fucking minutes later, the cops show up, and he comes to my window, and he's like Are you okay? Do you need an ambulance? Don't move your vehicle, and I just stare at him, because DOES HE THINK I FUCKING CAN? I'M FUCKING STUCK IN BETWEEN TWO CARS, MOVING IS NOT AN OPTION. He takes my license and insurance and shit, and goes off to the other cars. He comes back about 15 minutes later, and asks me what happened. I explain how myself and Mr. Black Jeep (who, by the way, has wandered into a nearby snowbank, and from the looks of it, is swearing quite loudly and releasing his anger)are JUST SITTING, TRYING TO MERGE ONTO THE HIGHWAY, when Mr. Red Accord decides brakes are not necessary, and plows right into me, stressing the fact that WE WERE STOPPED. The cop nods and goes on to the next car. He comes back in another ten minutes, tells me I am not at fault, and Mr. Red Accord is getting a ticket for all this, etc, I am free to go. So you think this is the end of my story, hmmm? OH NO, I'M JUST GETTING STARTED.
I am driving home, and it takes me about ten minutes to realize that the air blowing from my vents is freezing cold. It was pleasant, let me tell you, especially considering the fact that it was six degrees last night. That little gauge that tells me how warm or cold my car is is rapidly rising to the HOT level. I'm thinking, this is not making any sense, apparently the car is overheating, but no hot air is coming out. The little gauge hits the top, i.e. my car should be EXTREMELY HOT, but it isn't. It just keeps getting colder. I'm like SHIT, FUCK, THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG, I DON'T WANT TO BLOW UP. Finally I get home, and my grandfather looks at the car, and since the black Jeep went all the way up on the hood, something happened to the radiator and the engine, and possibly some other shit too. So some place is going to come pick up my car to determine if it is totalled or not, if it is, it looks as if walking will be my new mode of transportation, OH WAIT, I CAN'T DO THAT, BECAUSE IT'S -6 FUCKING DEGREES OUT. I don't even want to go into what the back of my car looks like. I would again like to stress how I was just sitting, trying to merge onto a fucking highway, not doing anything at all. Mr. Red Fucking Accord should go drive his fucking car into a brick wall or something.
Holy shit, what a long update. I can't use my mother's car because, I don't know why, she just said I couldn't (despite the fact that she technically can't either, but when does she listen to her doctor? never). I need a vacation. Why am I so fucking emotional lately? Actually acting like a fucking teenage girl is poor.
Shit, I still don't have any presents. The End.