Apr 25, 2012 14:40
April 14th (Saturday) saw Megan and Sarah from work visiting us at home and it was a wonderful time. They came in the morning for pancakes and mimosas and stayed well into the afternoon talking about personal details and gossiping about the lab. Of course, a lot of that surrounded my handsome baby boy who won them over within in a second.
The baby is 10 weeks old today and he seems to be going through another growth spurt. I can't get him off of my breast long enough to go to the bathroom. He is beginning to be a real charmer now though. He smiles in response to your smiles or at your attempts to make him smile, he giggles (although only the once and in his sleep) and he talks quite a bit. He has everyone wrapped around his little finger. The problem? He hasn't slept for more than 45 minutes at a time since yesterday! I am so exhausted.
I was planning to go to the mall and develop some photos but I am afraid to leave the house because he might want to breastfeed the entire time that I am out. Not that I mind feeding him when out, but I'd like to be able to have my breast in my shirt at least part of the time!
Anyways, if this is like his other growth spurts then he should be back to normal by tomorrow.
I think that he's begun teething now as well, which may be contributing. He is drooling (although nothing compared to what Isabelle and Alex have gone through), he bites down on fingers and toys and most night he screams inconsolably for about an hour starting anywhere from 7pm to 10pm.
Ah well. The joys of motherhood, I shall continue to update and hopefully this will be of use to me with my second (and final!!) child.