So it's been a long time since I posted. No real reason just not much going on in my life. Just letting anyone who wondered know I am still alive and around, just not posting.
I'm not one to post local news, but
this is all types of hilarious. So much drama over a team name. The locals are going all crazy because apparently this was posted on the Colbert Nation and so now the name Coal Bears seems to be winning at 95%. Really what else did they expect with it being open to anyone and with that name? I, for one, am holding onto my vote since I remember them announcing that they will show sample team logos later this week, I think.
And.. umm... visit
my brute and become her pupil because I only need little things to make me happy.
Anyone on
The Nethernet (obligatory join with link to get me stuff link)? I like the idea of playing a game passively (see: I LOST THE GAME) so it is for me.