Title: All the Rides We Take
Pairing(s): Gerard/Frank, Alicia/Vicky-T
Word Count: 25375
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Violence, character death, torture, brainwashing, drug use and alcoholism
Summary: With war erupting across Panem following the disastrous 75th Hunger Games, Alicia and Frank work with the rebels to bring about the fall of the Capitol. They continue to worry about Gerard, held prisoner by President Korse and being used to spout Capitol propaganda Mikey, meanwhile, is determined to help bring the Capitol down in any way he can, regardless of the danger. Fusion of Mockingjay.
Author's notes: This is a sequel to
The Boy With the Bread and
The Cameras Watch the Accidents and Stars You Hate.
Huge thanks to
llyrical, who betaed this and was a massive support throughout the entire process.
This is a
longfic_bingo fill for the 'dystopia' square.
Part One Part Two Part ThreeDWAo3 Inspired Works
Check out the gorgeous art by
josie, which can be seen
here Fanmix(es):
Listen to the fantastic mix by
fisa_is_your_friend, which you can find