Sep 01, 2006 17:06
1. Stephanie Choi
2. Lizzie
3. Elmo
4. Leslie
5. Laura Coleman
6. Gabby Cohen
7. Sarah Waldorf
8. Julia Blum
9. Kate
10. Chase
11. Colee Wong
12. Rachel Gross
13. Gina
How did you meet 10?
Arroyo Vista ... GATE class
What would you do if 6 and 4 dated?
never see it coming.
Have you ever seen 5 cry?
ha everyday when i leave her.
Do you think 1 is cute?
she has her days...just kidding. cutest rice bowl i've ever seen.
Tell me something about number 11:
she can school me in a spelling bee.
How do you know 8?
one time i tripped her and she was scared so she became my bitch. just kidding.
through soccer and school.
What's 7's favorite color?
sarah... whats your favorite color. i'm going to guess.
Red...or green?turquoise?magenta?orange?
What would you do if 6 confessed they liked you?
take her on a midnight stroll.
Fact about 9?
she uses me.
she loves me more than her cat.
Who is 3 going out with?
no one.
Would you ever live with 13?
Is 12 single?
she has a new man everyday.
Where does 5 live?
my mom's dream house.
What do you think about 3?
he's the coolest boy .
What's the best thing about number 1?
she's asian...?haha
no she's very understanding.
What's the best thing about number 4?
she is sweet.
Favorite Memory with 2?
making won tons for mr.luce's class
Would you ever date number 1?
she is clearly taken.