A long hot day

Jun 22, 2005 22:16

We've started work at the theatre festival doing our Assistant warbrode thang. It's hot, mucky, sticky, grimy, dead fly infested and ... hot in those wardrobe rooms. *sighs* What you do for the art. :P Anyway! Holly and I are the assistants this year so it won't be too bad. Atleast I know the people that I'm working with. ^^ Holly and Kylie Cook are both total sweethearts although Kylie might get a bit rough around the edges near the end of it. Which... I think is understandable. If I was designing "Noises Off", "Chicago" and "Midsummer Night's Dream" plus many smaller shows in less then 4 weeks... I'd be testy too. ^_~

Residence workers are nasty little buggers that don't know their hands from their bums. Once again... they wait listed me once again for a dorm room. I'm number 68 which is completely ridiculous. 3rd years got in before me when I applied in the first week of school last September. *dies* Oh well.. the chateau wait list might not be as long so I'll ask them to add me to that one too. Hopefully... I get in somewhere because I refuse to go to a bording house again. I'd prefer to be at the college because of all the production meetings during the night and all that jazz.

We went to the beach last night for a laugh. We being Brandon, Kayla, Hugh, Hailey, Luke, Andrew, Karis, Sherilynn and everyone else that showed up eventually. :P It was a blast although it did start out a bit rough. There was this tension in the wide open salty air. O.O But it slowly evaporated along with the pot smell that was coming from a dude riding a bike. Once the june bugs decided to show their ugly faces we quickly scarfed down the remaining hot dog wienies and headed to Tim Hortons. There... we had a laugh at Scott and Brandon who were trying to be 'rebels' and hide obscene messages in the napkins within the napkin holder. So many pictures from that night. It's unreal! :P


If you go around my friends you'll see more then just what I've got posted. :P

I'm hoping to get the net rehooked up at my house this week. It's killing me not having a proper computer with proper internet access. *dies* I've got so much artwork that needs uploading and movies that need downloading... *cough cough*. Not.. illegally of course. ^^

July 1st!
No more smoking in any public facility including bars/clubs. Whoot!
Dancing soon!

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