May 12, 2005 12:19
So I'm in North Bay. I got here pretty safe, both plane rides where accompanied with 'occasional' turbulence which was more fun then anything else but makes you really sick to your stomach. >.< I really like my Uncle Mike right now. When he picked me up in Toronto and GAVE me a cell phone with free long distance in Canada to borrow during these two weeks so that I can talk to my mom and Newfoundland. *happy happy joy joy* Atleast now I don't have to worry about dragging up phone bills.
Good news. Justin turned out not to be some 80 year old pervert with an axe underneath his bed. He's actually a really sweet guy. So that's pretty cool. I didn't feel like spending my two weeks at a distant relatives. *shudders* Anyway, I've already meet a few of the people that I've talked to on the net like Sophie and Scott. They are by far some of the funniest people I've meet so far. Hehe. Sophie is a total sweetheart but I think she has a guy for every day of the week. O.o
I nearly broke my foot the first day I was here. -_- Just leave it to me to try and chop my foot off while on vacation right? Hehe. The story goes that Justin and I were walking up to the theatre (He brought me to see a play called "Chagall" which was awesome!) and the sidewalk suddenly went crooked and I never noticed. I stepped right on the crack and my shoe slipped, bending my ankle extremely painfully. Now there's a huge red welt on my ankle where I know a bruise is gonna form very soon. But.. I'm hoping for no bruise because when I get back to Newfoundland Kodoku will be there going; "Does this hurt?" *poke* "Does this hurt?" *poke* *grins* Of course I'm only joking.. :p I hope. O.o
Talk to you all soon!