(no subject)

Apr 04, 2009 19:31

I realized its been way too long since I've had any awesome memories to look back on and make myself feel better. Monday during math class I was struggling to stay awake like usual when I noticed something fall out of my notebook. It was the mini Merry calendar I got free at Tower Records. My notebook was still in my backpack while I was in Japan so I tossed the mini calendar in there so it wouldn't get bent up. Just seeing that sent a rush of memories flooding back.

Sure, it hasn't been long at all since I was in Japan, but still. Its so nice to just escape for a second back into my memories of an awesome trip. There were so many moments that really effected me while I was there. Pretty much all of those moments were at the concerts. One of the biggest ones was at the Dir en grey show. People in the audience were doing the headbang move where you put your arms on the shoulders of the person in front of you to steady yourself while you thrash your head around like there's no tomorrow. I decided to give it a try when I was getting sore from the moshpit, and to my surprise someone put their hands on my back and started doing the same thing. I know it sounds stupid, but it made me feel accepted. Leading up to the show I was expecting to be treated differently cuz of that whole gaijin business. It was really something to feel like a part of a group and not be ostracized or anything.

The other memory that really stuck with me was the Sadie concert. That was probably one of the most personal shows I've ever been to just because I was so incredibly close to the band and the members genuinely cared about their fans. I rarely get emotional at shows, but I was on the verge of tears during Swallow Rain. Mao was just so fucking intense that show. The music was so much more powerful than just listening to it on CD. I'm so thankful I had the opportunity to see them at a venue like that because I highly doubt I would have been able to have a similar experience anywhere else.

As always, I feel like I should say more in these entries. Today though, I think this is all that really needs to be said.
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