Sadie fans are fucking scary.

Mar 27, 2009 22:56

These concerts are really starting to take their toll on me. Im almost happy that their all over now.

Today was the Sadie live which was all the fuck ways out in Saitama. It was a good hour train ride from our hostel just to get to the fucking place. There wasnt much there either aside from the giant Saitama stadium.

We ate a late lunch from one of the random shops by the venue. The curry was fucking magic even if it was out of a bag. After eating we got in line for merch. I was gonna buy a t-shirt but they only had smalls so I bought a hoodie instead. We bummed around for a couple more hours until they started lining people up to get into the venue. The started letting people in right on time which was nice. I had ticket 29 so I was in the second row right in front of the mic stand. It was funny how much taller I was than everyone else. I had a perfect view of everything on stage.

The fans seemed kinda relaxed and not too crazy until the members started walking out and began the first song. Immediately the fans all pushed forward as hard as they could while shrieking the band members names in the most high pitched shrill voice you could imagine. I cant recall the exact name of the opening song since it was a new one off their latest album. They played almost every song off MoR. They also played Meisei, Children of Despair, and Rock n Roll Stinky People during the main set. They were so fucking amazing live. Swallow Rain and Crimson Tear were both especially intense. Maos growling was pretty damn impressive in person. I hadnt been too crazy about their new album, but hearing the songs live makes me appreciate them a whole lot more. I cant remember which one, but for one of the songs Mizuki was having guitar trouble so he just picked up a microphone and started to growl alongside Mao. It was pretty entertaining to see xD

Oh yeah, did I mention how close I was to the band? When Mao got up on the box and thrust his arms into the air his crotch was literally less than two feet away from my face. I could have easily touched his boots. Its just nuts being that close where you can actually look the members in the eye. Its almost creepy. Sure beats the shit out of large stadium shows.

For the encore the band came back wearing tour t-shirts, except for Mizuki who was wearing a Girugamesh shirt xD They hopped right back into it with two more tracks from MoR. Then they called out last song and started playing an older one off the Trend Killer. Im so bad with song names, sorry! It was amazing and everyone went wild. The band started throwing a bunch of crap into the audience. Mizuki and Tsurugi hung around the longest shaking peoples hands in the audience and throwing water bottles out. Mizuki even picked up the mic and thanked everyone for coming out before finally leaving.

When they were all gone the lights in the veneu came back on and the BGM started again even though fans kept cheering for another encore. I headed back to find Ralph and leave, but right as we were heading for the exit all the members came back on stage again. At first I thought they were just going to talk some more but then they started picking up their instruments again. I was pretty surprised they were actually going to do an un planned encore. Mao said something to the about how we were so loud that they had to come back out. The audience kept cheering and Mao tried to quit them, even saying shut up at one point xD Finally, they just stared playing A Holy Terrors. I was more towards the back for this song, but at least I had room to headbang now. Up front it was so incredibly cramped I coudlnt move my arms for most of the show. The final song was really great though because you could tell the band was really enjoying themselves and that they actually cared about the fans. Mao let the audience sing most of the lyrics which was nice. At the end of it they marched off stage again. Mizuki was last to leave once more and told people to go home since theyd miss the last train other wise xD

Ralph managed to get Mizukis pic at the end, but the show didnt go so smoothely for him. Some of the girls next to him wanted him to move to the right and when he didnt get the hint they started punching him in the side xD We ran into two girls from the show on the way back to the train station who said otsukare to us. I managed to meek out a response to them in my hoarse voice and they started laughing and ran off. It was nice to know some of the fans thought we were cute xD

It was one hell of a satisfying end to a week of crazy concerts.

sadie, master of romance tour 09, mao, saitama, crazy bitches

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