"Don't worry, we're white trash just like you."

Oct 30, 2008 23:31

Tuesday night I went with Ingrid to go see the Shiny Toy Guns concert at The Basement. You'd think by now I would have learned to always buy tickets in advance, especially with a venue like The Basement since it literally is just a basement. Of course things are never as easy as what we hope for...

Ingrid's dad picked us up a little bit before 7 and dropped us off at the venue. Of course they didn't let anyone in until an hour after the posted time. Oh, and there was an ICP concert literally next door so that meant there was a line of fat metal kids with shitty face paint on. And I'm not exaggerating when I say they were all fat. Out of the 300 or so people that they let into the venue while we were waiting in line I could count the skinny kids in the crowd on both hands. It was a pretty stark contrast to all the anorexic scene kids waiting for STG. I'm pretty surprised a fight didn't break out or anything since some of those douchebags started throwing water and grape soda onto people in line. Definitely not a fun idea when its 36 degrees outside. I wanted to talk shit so badly to some of those assholes but I held back. Seeing the ICP fans though did show me that maybe, just maybe Jrock doesn't have the worst fanbase in the world...

I was under the impression that I'd buy my ticket inside the venue. It wasn't until after the line started moving that I saw a kiosk outside that was selling tickets for the ICP concert. I checked it out on the off chance that they handled the stuff for The Basement too. They did and they informed me that the show was sold out. Not exactly good news. Ingrid was almost inside the venue at this point so I run over and apologize about 80 times for being a dumb fuck and not buying tickets beforehand. She was smart and already had a ticket so she got in fine.

I tried to find someone else that had an extra ticket but it was to no avail. I met up with a group of 5 other guys without tickets. They were a pretty cool bunch of guys even though it was obvious they were still in high school. We tried to think of a way to sneak in or something but nothing yielded results. After maybe 20 minutes or so they gave up and went home. I thought about calling a cab but decided I should see if Greg could pick me up instead. Literally right when I called him a kid came out of the venue and said "Hey man, do you need a ticket?" Of course I nonchalantly said yes even though in my head I was saying "SKLGHLIWEJHILKSHahslkjglKLGSKDJ8ui4jEGdYESSSSHHHHHH!!!!!!!111111ONEONEELEVENTYONE" He had to make sure his other friend wasn't gonna show up so we waited for about ten minutes and then he let me have it for $30. It was twice as much as it would have cost retail but I was just happy to get out of the cold and into the venue. Oh yeah, and right when I was about to give him the money 2 guys came over and were like "How 'bout you sell that to a real fan? I'll give ya $40 for it." Thankfully the kid was awesome and said he already told me I could have it so as soon as I paid him and got the ticket I ran straight down to the sanctity of the venue.

The first band, The Delta Fiasco, was already halfway through their set. It was a shame that I missed their first few songs since they were pretty fucking awesome. Definitely my favorite act of the night. After them some other band I forget the name of went on. They weren't particularly entertaining since nothing they did really stood out in my mind. I pushed forward and tried to find Ingrid in the crowd. She was in the front row and there was pretty much no way I was getting there so I just chilled a few people back.

After their set wrapped up the techies spent a good half hour setting up the equipment for STG. It was insane, they had four separate keyboards. Goddamn thats a lot of fucking synthing x_x The band came out and launched into their set once everything was tested and in place.

I'm not a fan of STG since I never listened to them, but I did hear Richochet on their myspace and it was pretty catchy. Ingrid invited me to the concert so I agreed to going since I haven't seen her since colossalcon and it was an excuse to get away from the campus area for awhile (which I was incredibly thankful for). They put on a solid, energetic performance overall. Unfortunately I was feeling sorta sick by the end of their set, probably due to standing outside in the cold for so long with only a hoodie. Thankfully their main set lasted maybe a little longer than a half hour. 5 minutes later they did a 3 song encore and then left the stage for good. It was an entertaining show, but not being a fan and being in poor health made it less enjoyable for me. Still, I got to hangout with Ingrid for a night and it got me away from campus as well as my roommate so I guess thats all that matters.
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