(no subject)

Oct 13, 2008 16:52

Awesome news for Bruce Campbell fans, he's gonna be at the Landmark Cinema here in C-bus for the premiere of his new movie "My Name is Bruce"!

The bad news? Well I suppose its only bad news for me, but its on November 19th, the same day as Dir en grey's Chicago show, the only stop on their US tour I planned on attending. This is so upsetting. I've wanted to meet "The Man" ever since I saw Army of Darkness way back when in middleschool. I could attempt to sell my Chicago ticket and go to the Michigan show the day before, but that'd require me having to drive my car all the way there when Ralph was just gonna give me a ride to Chicago and back. Plus I'm just straight up sick of going to Detroit for shows. It looks like meeting the king of b-movies will have to wait til some other time.

In other news, I stumbled across this band called Austrian Death Machine. Its a solo project from As I Lay Dying's vocalist, Tim Lambesis. The whole band is based off Arnold Schwarzenegger and his movies. Its pretty fucking funny hearing death metal with someone impersonating Ahnuld's voice. Hmm, I kinda wanna go download some AILD and Family Force Five. Ugh, if I'm not careful I might actually start liking more American music again >.>

I'm thinking I might have to start going to frat parties and stuff again. I really fucking hate being single and I'm too chickenshit to make a move on any girls I'm already friends with that I have crushes on. I don't have time this quarter to do any extra curriculars or clubs since I'm already working 17+ hours a week. That means Thursday and Saturday night parties are looking like my best option right now. I need to get in touch with my friends that joined Kappa Sig and see whats going on. Goddammit I've been single for way too fucking long.

Yep, this entry is pointless *skips off*
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