I hate my entires, theyre depressing, nonsesical and leave a bad taste in my mouth

Apr 06, 2006 23:30

Motivated by a recent surge of lengthy autobiographical updates, I've decied to include one.

But first let me say one thing:

Comic Book Strip Characters killing themselves is funny, no matter what anyone thinks. And for those of you in my APLA(or, shall i just say Hanna) they know why it even funnier. If i open the funnies tommorow with ziggy playing russian roulette, and a subtitle "maybe today's my luck day" or cathy standing in a bath tub holding a toaster "I'm so done with carbs" or even a Charley Brown "What did you expect?". If i can't have that, well how abotu Crankshaft euthenasia? Lockhorns domestic violence? or Beetle Bailey war crimes?

I can't beleive I wrote all that, I dodnt want to, it just happened.

ANyways, from animated tragedy we'll go to prom (strangely approporate?)

I was gonna go, then I wasn't, Then I was, then I wasn't, now im up in the air.
I've compiled a lsit on the back of Hannah's spanish homework of everyperson whose given me prom date/ girl advice in the last two weeks, and included the person they think I should ask.

This is funny, exciting, yet, often disturbing.

While I will not disclose the list in full, one of the funniest was my mom's suggestion of Katie Bacon, after meeting her at some even she (my mom) came to me and saud "That Katie Bacon, she sure is nice, she's just so sweet, oh and cute too! Don't you think she's pretty?"

The best part about the suggestions is that they reveal how the person who gave the suggestion feel about you. While they may win this title by having the most entries, Matt and Hannah have been particulary optimistic and generous in they're assements and suggestions. I'm quite flattered guys.
Matt and Hannah have been great study partners the last few days, and I'd like to thank them for this, as Ive had alot of funa nd even sort've done my schoolwork hooray!

an open question:

ARE YOU GOING TO THE THEATRE DISNEY TRIP? I gotta find out whos going so i can decide if im going, i have to pay for 50% and im not sure if its worth it.

Also, may i publically announce that Sam Jessie and I have fearlesy uncovered mysteries of the communist sympathies of a respected michigan opera star.
Oh yeah, thanks sam for dinner and a nice afternoon,

COngratulations if you're still reading this, no really, what kind of friend reads this disorganized shit? a good one.

***On a more serious note.

Today my father resigned his position as Boy Scout Scoutmaster. This is one of the most important things in the world to him, and his abrupt resignation was because "things were crazy tuesday, i need to spend more time with the family" he's refering to when i calmy asked him and my mother to stop using profanity and using rage as a modof communication and they responded with "WHY DON:T YOU DO YOUR LAUNDRY!! WHO LEFT OUT THE BLENDER!" after telling them that i thought eliminating the profanity, we'd promote a heathier way of livinjg, my mother coldly and smuggly told me i was "entitled to my own opinion"

Long story short:

My parents defend(if not promote) using rage and profanity , as long as i leave out the blender. My dad quit his favorite thing in the world (no exagerration) and i suspect its some sort of guilt trap or somthing.

Its all fucked up.

Here's a weeled for yah:


Study ACTs
A.P U.S practice exam
A.P LA Practice exam
Apla reasearch paper
2 1/2 weeks of science homework
Part 2 Hydrate project

I hjate this entry, i said nothing i wanted to say, i driibled on abotu stupid shit and i want to erase it, but thatd bve a waste and im to tired to edit it.

Starbucks, and my shirt and jacket matching nicely were the highlight of my days, what were yours?

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